Everything’s under control, right, Any?
Well, even with the holiday, still, here is a fresh page. Enjoy!
EASTER EGG: Today is also the birthday of one of the M9 Girls! You can guess who she is and send her an e-mail.
Hint: She looks a little bit different from the other girls.
The interview for a job at a lab is at someone’s house? That would set off alarm bells to me!
I have met weirder people. In the girls’ defense, things look better once they see the interior…
That last panel is fantastic.
Haha, the dialogue in this is hysterical! (“suddenly I love science!”)
Welcome to the joyous experience of reading thru the archives of a long-ago published comic. We are glad you are enjoying your historic tour.
Clau is a very emotional, open-up girl, so she always speaks her mind, specially when she gets excited about something.