How dare these pesky criminals not surrender immediately?
On the other hand, Golden seems to be pretty mad right now.
How dare these pesky criminals not surrender immediately?
On the other hand, Golden seems to be pretty mad right now.
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Gee, Golden. Those guys just shot at Karla. What do you have to say about that?
I very much think that that is, indeed, what Golden is thinking…
Whoa! Okay, it’s time for payback
Golden is really protective of Karlita, we know that.
Love that Pato scene! You guys are really bringing your A Game to the strip. Especially with that last panel. Golden’s face is fantastic.
And somebody’s getting ready to open up a giant sized can of whoop-ass on some armored car drivers…
Pato loves to steal a scene! And she is really good at using her powers now.
Yes, it is not a good idea to get on Golden’s bad side…