Don’t hold back, Pato!
I don’t know about you, but somehow I think Pato looks her best when she is in full tsundere mode.
Don’t hold back, Pato!
I don’t know about you, but somehow I think Pato looks her best when she is in full tsundere mode.
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Wow. I didn’t see this coming, but thinking back, it was inevitable. Pato had the least interest in the M9 powers stuff, and now knowing what’s been kept from her, I can see why she’d storm out. It remains to be seen how long she’ll stay away, and what consequences her absence will bring to the other girls.
Pato has always been the “only sane man” and that is taking it’s toll on her. She certainly won’t take it well to know she’s been used. But neither the other girls. It’s just they are too shocked to be vocal at this time.
Something about the art looks a bit different. Are you trying some new techniques?
I don’t really blame Pato. I mean, they could easily have been killed by the Prof and his experiments. They’re lucky to be alive and I wouldn’t want anything to do with somebody who did that to me.
Artist Séreméla is indeed trying some new looks with the tools of her trade. How did you like the looks of this page? Séreméla still has some techniques she wants to experiment so stay put for new visuals.
Everybody seems to sympathize with Pato, who always speaks her mind, though nobody listens to her most of the time.
Yeah, when Pato’s angry, she’s kind of a cross between Wonder Woman and The Hulk! ^^
I love tsundere Pato, and your description nails her perfectly. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t want to be on the Professor’s shoes right now, right at the receiving end of four very super-powered ladies with a reason to be angry at you.
You tell ’em, Pato!
Time to go freelance. No more working for The Man.
Of course, The Professor’s enemies might not understand that you’re not on his team.
Let’s home Any can calm things down a bit so the Prof can do some ‘splaining.
And another nice page, Betty. I like the way you captured Pato in that first panel.
I don’t think Pato is listening to further explanation. Hope the Girls won’t blame her when they end up working for the fast food industry. Now, that is some fuel for fan-art!
Severance package? She’s an undergrad intern… was she even being paid at all?
Hey, you found the infamous alt-text! The girls got a sweet deal, as they got good money for their internship. It is not shown but Any got an offer to publish papers (she didn’t share this with the other girls, as they don’t care about an academic career). It seems like, other than their powers, the girls are walking empty-handed out of the internship…
Pato being the voice of reason… yes!
Pato has a short fuse, and she doesn’t like being manipulated, even if it is “for the greater good”.