Gotta give it to you, Vero. You are quite dauntless. Senseless, but dauntless…
Gotta give it to you, Vero. You are quite dauntless. Senseless, but dauntless…
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Lesson one: never sneak into a top-secret place without a good alibi. I love her totally unconvincing “innocent face” in the second-to-last panel.
At least she doesn’t turn to girlmush at the sight of the professor’s eyes. Any should take some notes. Not on the alibi thing, though. They’re both pretty bad at that bit.
Vero is way to cynical to allow herself to be caught falling for someone’s charms. She should really rehearse her saving lines, though.
Really love the new artist’s layouts. It’s not a perfectly organized grid, but it reads as fluidly as one.
Seréméla will love hearing this. She really spend some time trying to layout a page from the original script.
I think she did a good job with it. 8 panels and a lot of dialog is a lot to fit in.
You might want to make the typeface a little more consistent in size, though. It kind of crowds the last two panels.
Leaving space for balloons is just one of the things that comes with practice. Seremela’s off to a great start!
I’m really looking forward to the next page, both for the story and the art.
I would say that she just got saved from doing something really stupid, but then I noticed panel 4. Is a vial missing?
And the excuse made perfect sense to me. I believed every word of it.
While the prof looking over his glasses is great (that’s a hard one for me to draw) I think I like panel 5 the best.
Betty, you’re really getting a good feel for motion with this page.
You have a keen eye, Charlie. Is Vero up for more mischief?
I like the whole sequence of Vero trying to explain herself, I’m glad you are liking it!
Panicky babbling as a defense mechanism? I thought she was the cool-headed one.
In Vero’s defense, she kept herself very much composed through her ad-lib stint. Though, as Melaredblu said, she might need to get better with her alibis if she is going to keep sneaking around.
At least the Professor got there in time! But Vero’s seen too much anyway :/ I love all the faces she’s making on this page. IT’s a great range of emotion.
Yeah, the Professor averted major disaster, didn’t he? What will they do about Vero’s knowledge now?
Seréméla is a little shy, but she sends thanks for the compliments on her art. She is happy people is liking her expressions.
Happy Birthday, Seréméla!
We’re so glad you’re drawing the M9 Girls. You’re doing a wonderful job, and it’s a joy to read your pages. Thanks so much!
Looks like there’s no way out but through for Vero… she’s gonna have to join now!
The Girls were in the middle of something last time we saw them. Hope there is a team for Vero to join. And, speaking of the Girls, we get to see them next update. The comic is called M9 Girls after all…
hi, just came over from Groovy, Kinda. Nope, nothing happening…
Hi there and thanks for visiting!
Hope you like what you see here. We are enjoying this crossover a lot!
I just read through the archives and I understand now your answer.
I will give this one a try and see what happens.