Any is comforted for the time being. How much Simon knows, that remains to be seen.
Any is comforted for the time being. How much Simon knows, that remains to be seen.
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Awww, that’s a sweet page. Maybe Simon will get the appreciation he deserves. Any guy who can tie a bowtie that big and make it work can’t be all bad.
Shadow, you are just killin’ it! I love your perspective and how you place characters in space. And, you are the queen of body language and expressions.
Plus, Pickles!
The other girls may take Simon for granted, they really don’t get the amount of work needed to keep a secret lab fully operational, not to mention paying streaming services. Any understands this better, and we can see she actually discuss a lot of things with Simon, except for her little problem here. Too bad Pato thinks he is a necessary nuisance.
Pato thinks nearly everybody else is a nuisance, necessary or not….
Pato thinks Pickles is a nuisance, a cute nuisance.
Does Any realize that Pickles is planning to help her search? ^^
Pickles may be missing Clau already. Clau does not mind when Pickles enters the labs.
It’s a step in the right direction, but Any should probably talk with the other girls at some point, too.
Any may have a point, Clau may become all guilt ridden.