Yeah, some quiet words will do, Golden.
Dear friends, you have no idea how happy we are with how this page turned out.
We are not happy for Golden, though. Her day is not getting any better.
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Oh good, it’s nice to see they’re going to sit down and talk things out like adults.
In other news, that’s the angriest I’ve ever seen Any. Nice work with the expressions.
Beware of the quiet ones… Golden really chose a bad time to make an appearance. Maybe she was not aware of what transpired between the Prof and Alpha.
Well, c’mon, it’s not like she would just sneak out the door. She knew Any would be upset, but nobody thought she’d go off the rails like this. Can’t say I blame her for being angry. Thank goodness she’s not using her powers right now.
And that is another great page, you two. Betty, you really took Any’s expressions up to 11 on this one. Especially in that third panel. I’m gonna steal that effect you did with the tears, if you don’t mind.
They are not using their powers… but anger seems to be enough fuel for Any at the moment.
We knew this set of pages relied heavily in depicting emotions. We are glad we did not disappoint.
Hooray! Revenge! Not sure that rage and pain is enough against Golden, even with Any’s powers.
Oh, I think the other Girls would come to her aid pretty quickly.
Any may be really out of her league against Golden’s yet unknown powers, but she is really not thinking straight enough to realize it. After all, only Karla and Clau are aware of Golden’s abilities. The other girls might step in, but then Karla is Golden’s friend…
I don’t know. Golden doesn’t look like she’s up for much of a fight.
Third panel is great, by the way.
We all love the third panel! Thanks a lot!
It is true, Golden seems not in a mood for fighting. She does not like losing, however, so let’s see how this goes.
And Any is usually the calm one! Well, goodbye, Golden, it was nice knowing you.
Any is well beyond break point. We only hope Golden can keep her calm. Uh, never mind, this does not look good.