Can we trust you with keeping what you just found to yourself, Vero?
A page! Fresh from the basement where we keep our artists. OK, not really, they have fine candles.
Can we trust you with keeping what you just found to yourself, Vero?
A page! Fresh from the basement where we keep our artists. OK, not really, they have fine candles.
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…if she’s planning on using that stuff on herself, it’s not gonna end well…
..oh, and welcome back!
Is she gonna get herself a set of super powers? I wonder what kind of powers she would get.
Of course this is bound to go horribly wrong.
Vero cannot possibly be considering injecting herself with an unknown substance, then have her body irradiated, right? Then again, the experiment turned out fine 4 times. What could possibly go wrong now?
I am curious as to what powers readers think Vero would get if she indeed treats herself with the tetra-glycol serum…
I’m thinking possibly the ability to interface with computers mentally. Or, perhaps, a sense of smell like a bloodhound so she can smell out secrets. 🙂
Computer affinity would be a nice power for Vero, who just showed she is a good hacker at least!
Nice page! I really like the old art coming up on the computer screen behind her. Kind of a link to the old storyline.
And that devilish look in her eye in the last panel is perfect.
Oh heck, mixing unknown chemicals and radiation is perfectly safe! It’s not like this is a superhero comic or…oh, wait.
Well, this can’t end well. Remember what happened to the Hulk? Vero may want to think twice before injecting green glowing stuff into her.
Let us just hope Vero’s experiment is as successful as the M9 Girls’ one. If she indeed goes for it!
I think she should start with an animal. That way, if it works, she could have a super pet, like Krypto, or Comet the Super Horse, or Streaky the Super Cat, or Beppo, the Super-Chimp.
Imagine the possibilities!
Writhing on the floor just by the mere thought of it.