This is certainly one of the favorite festivities for the Girls, even though they get to wear costumes the rest of the year, also.
Séreméla really had fun drawing the Girls in this style.
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Clau looks so happy to be a part of this cute art shift. Pato…not so much. But when is she ever happy, really?
Pato also looks so cute in this picture. Maybe she does not want to look cute.
Clau was born to be a Chibi vampire.
What’s Pato looking so cross about? Get a gander at that bag of goodies!
This is a painfully cute page, Seremela, and I mean that in a good way. It’s beautiful. I applaud your decision to shift the art style of the M9 Girls this way, no matter what Rulo says to the contrary.
Clau is being smart, asking Pato for candy after she carried the bag across the forest. Clau either likes living dangerously or is blissfully ignorant of the inherent dangers of her own personality.