Maybe you overreacted, Vero!
Sorry for the delay, dear cybernauts. This was a difficult page.
And a good thing Clau softened Karla’s hit.
Maybe you overreacted, Vero!
Sorry for the delay, dear cybernauts. This was a difficult page.
And a good thing Clau softened Karla’s hit.
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Yes Vero! Go to your room and think about what you did!
Bad Vero, bad!
Poor Clau-never saw it coming.
That’s a heckuva throw there, Golden. Did she maybe get some super-strength along with her other powers? What are her new powers?
And what is the cost?
Another sweet page, you two. Much as I love Glowing Golden (is she overloading?), but my favorite thing is Clau and Karla together in that 4th panel. The expressions are great, and the way you show Karla materializing is really neat.
Keep your friends, close, they say… I think Karla got too close…
So far Vero has shown the ability to break from a telekinetic hold and the ability to throw her best friend over her shoulders. Her ability to recite the alphabet backwards is not really that handy…
And make her eyes glow with a golden fire.
She asks if Karla knows the cost of those powers and then proceeds to use her powers without a thought. Vero, I think you might just be a hypocrite.
In Vero’s defense, Clau let Any have a taste of her powers early on. And Any’s revenge was swift, if I recall correctly.
But Vero needs to use her powers to keep Karla and Clau from keeping her from saving them. I mean, she needs to use her powers to show them what their powers…hang on, I’ll get it in a minute.
“Once there was an elephant, who tried to use the telephant…”
Vero, what do you call a person with extraordinary powers who uses them for evil? You call them a Villain.
Or in extreme cases, a monster.