OK, Girls, it’s good you are taking charge of the situation.
Heads up, dear friends, starting this week we will start publishing a crossover story with the dystopian world of The Ruby Nation. How do the M9 Girls cope with the techno-totalitarian Apex State? Stay tuned!
EDIT: You can read the first part of the M9/Ruby crossover here now! Enjoy!
They took an ion modulator? Dang!
Looks like somebody’s got to get some ioning done.
This is so Ani’s page. I love how she’s framed by the hole in the wall. And that panel 3. Man, that’s sweet, the way you have her hair defining how she’s turning her head.
And the perspective on the last panel!
Can’t wait to see the crossover!
Nice pun, Charlie!
Totally agree on Any’s presence on this page. Crossover starts this weekend.
Perhaps they can also explain how Vero showed up at his laboratory while they’re at it. ^^
They might wish they still be facing the cyborgs…
Thanks, it was great to work with you on this. However, the comic name is now The Ruby Nation, not Ruby’s World 😛
And now it’s clear that yes, the cyborg creatures were working towards a greater agenda and the girls’ accomplishments only include survival…for now, anyway.
Duly noted and link added. Can’t wait to start publishing the story!
I agree: the Girls didn’t do much in stopping the cyborgs from their main mission. They are lucky being unscathed after so few training sessions.
Thank you for the prompt correction.
CHAIR for the win!
The lack of security measures to guard the modulator seems suspicious. Makes you wonder if it’s at least partly an inside job…? #theplotthickens
It’s a private sponsored university lab. If it is like some universities I know, it means they get budget to buy expensive equipment that nobody has an idea how to use…