We continue with our guest pages.
Today we have an extended version of Pato’s resignation. Please don’t hold back, Pato!
This strip comes from the brains and pens of Melaredblu, a good friend and sometimes collaborator of the M9 team. Mela is the creator of the most excellent comic Princess Chroma, which features a reluctant heroine who shares her temper with our dear Pato. Princess Chroma is a must, so go and check it out!
Thanks, Mela, for this witty page.
What a sweet page, melaredblu. Your comic timing is perfect.
Yeah, Pato, don’t hold back. Let the Prof know how you really feel.
And won’t someone think of the poor, lonely, sentient costumes?
The poor costumes deserve a change to be worn. How insensitive of Pato!